Latest news from Battery Technology Source (BTS)
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ELBC 2024-Overview
BTS Leader in Manufacturing Equipment Present at Milan.
BTS at ELBC 2024
After Lyon, we look forward to the next ELBC in Milan.
New terminal surface treatment method
With this new feature, it is possible to achieve a smoothness almost on par with die casting products – for a fraction of the cost.
Check out our updated company profile on the ABC website
A glimpse at our plans for the 20th Asian Battery Conference.
BTS launches new vacuum filling product line
Designed with AGM batteries in mind.
Gravity casting: what is it and how to know if it is right for you?
Customers often ask what the difference is between the gravity method used in our lead parts casting machines and other casting techniques.
Custom-made battery manufacturing equipment
At BTS, we know how important it is to take the time to address each customer's special needs.
New BTS car battery servo heat sealing machine
Our signature servo heat sealing technology, now also for car batteries!
Next generation lug brushing and plate cutting
Especially designed for smaller and lighter motorcycle battery plates.
BTS at the 20th ABC in Siem Reap
Visit us at booth 46, from September 5 to September 8 2023.
BTS at Fenibat 2023
Visit us at booth 98, from October 15 to October 17 2023.