Industry events and exhibitions

As one of the world's leading suppliers of lead-acid battery manufacturing equipment, we regularly showcase our products at all major industry events and exhibitions in Asia, Europe and South America. Find out where you can meet us next!
25 2025.05
11 2024.10
ELBC 2024-Overview
BTS Leader in Manufacturing Equipment Present at Milan.
22 2024.01
BTS at ELBC 2024
After Lyon, we look forward to the next ELBC in Milan.
24 2023.04
Check out our updated company profile on the ABC website
A glimpse at our plans for the 20th Asian Battery Conference.
31 2022.08
BTS at the 20th ABC in Siem Reap
Visit us at booth 46, from September 5 to September 8 2023.
25 2022.07
BTS at Fenibat 2023
Visit us at booth 98, from October 15 to October 17 2023.
05 2022.05
Fenibat 2022
Visit us at booth 73, from May 22 to May 24 2022.
25 2021.11
BTS at the 30th Interbat exhibition (UPDATE)
In 2022, Battery Technology Source (BTS) will be back in Russia for the 30th Independable Power Sources exhibition.
09 2021.11
À bientôt à Lyon! BTS awaits you at the 18th ELBC
We look forward to showcasing our newest technologies at the Global Lead Battery Innovation Conference
01 2021.11
Meet us during the 2021 exhibition season
Whether you would like to discuss an upcoming project, get to know our newest products or just find out more about BTS, our sales team is always av...
31 2021.05
Asian Battery Conference to go remote
It has just been announced that this year's Asian Battery Conference will switch to a virtual format.
08 2021.03
Interbat exhibition rescheduled
The 30th edition has been postponed until March 2022.